Sunday, April 26, 2009

MINE International Organization

My International Organization is called mine which stands for Mothers Centers International Network for Empowerment.
What it is:
Mine is an international network to facilitate co-operation and exchange between the 750 Mother Centers currently existing in 15 countries. Mother Centers are a place where a mother can go to get a cup of coffee and talk to other mothers about personal experiences in mothering. There are classes available in language, music, computer courses and job trainings. There is childcare available on a drop-in basis for all ages. Mother Centers focus on participation. Mine works with these Mother Centers and try to improve the quality of life for mothers, families and communities and try to enhance the influence on the public. Their goal is to support mother centered development. "Mine seeks to achieve its goals by engaging in peer learning, knowledge building, spreading of information, consultation, lobbying, pilot projects, documentation and public relations."
Mine was born out of research by the German Youth Institute (DJI) in the early 1980's. They believe that it is much cheaper to prevent family problems by providing the services provided by the Mother Centers than to pay the high costs of the dysfunctional family socialization.
There are many activities mine follows in order to accomplish their goals. These activities include:
  • Peer learning exchanges and study visits
  • Trainings and workshops
  • Regular newsletters
  • Stimulation of new Mother Center initiatives
  • Consultation for individual Mother Centers as well as for national and regional Mother Center networks
  • Consultation for governmental and other authorities on how to support Mother Centers
  • Pilot projects
  • Representation of Mother Centers at international events and in international networks
  • Analysis of the situation of mothers, children and families in contemporary societies
  • Documentation of Mother Centers as well as Mother Center projects
  • Lobbying for the concerns of women, children and families
  • Media and PR work to enhance the visibility and recognition of the Mother Center movement
  • Publications and exhibit
Picture and strategies taken from mine website.

Mine's target are the mothers around the world. Their main target is promoting the Mother Centers worldwide. They try to link Mother Centers with other organizations that are working towards the same goals.
Mine made possible for the Mother Centers to offer a lot to society. Some of the things they do is they give a chance for children under the kindergarten age to meet, offer assistance to in emergencies and crisis situations, empower women and contribute to gender equality, support the balance of home and family life, create income generating opportunities, expand the range of close to home services and many more.
Future goals:
As of now, mine is working on a campaign called "How do we want to raise our children?" This campaign deals with the issues that face young parents who are trying to decide between a traditional and modern form of child-rearing.

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